Don Peter

Jun 6, 20233 min

A Guide to Write Kotlin Android Apps with Minimal Battery Usage

In today's world, where smartphones have become an integral part of our lives, battery life is a crucial aspect for users. Android developers must strive to create applications that not only offer a rich user experience but also consume minimal battery power.

In this blog post, we will explore essential techniques and best practices for writing Android apps with optimized battery usage, enhancing user satisfaction and app performance.

1. Efficient Background Processing in Kotlin

Background processing is often a significant contributor to battery drain. It's essential to utilize Android's threading mechanisms, such as Coroutines or Executor, to offload resource-intensive tasks to separate threads. This prevents blocking the main UI thread and allows the system to enter low-power states more frequently.

import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch

// Perform background processing using Kotlin coroutines
fun performBackgroundTask() {
GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Default) {
// Perform your resource-intensive tasks here
// ...

The Dispatchers.Default dispatcher is optimized for CPU-intensive tasks and is suitable for most background processing operations.

Furthermore, consider using JobScheduler or WorkManager for scheduling periodic or network-related tasks, which allows the system to optimize their execution based on factors like network availability and device charging state.

2. Optimize Network Usage

Networking operations, such as data synchronization or retrieving updates, can consume a significant amount of battery power. Minimize network requests by batching multiple operations together and reducing unnecessary polling intervals. Employ techniques like HTTP caching, compression, and server-driven events (e.g., WebSocket or Firebase Cloud Messaging) to ensure efficient communication between the app and the server.

3. Fine-tune Location Services

Location-based apps often rely on continuous GPS updates, leading to substantial battery drain. To minimize this, use location services judiciously and leverage lower power-consuming alternatives like network-based location providers or geofencing.

Additionally, consider decreasing the frequency of location updates based on the app's requirements. Remember to release location updates when not needed and utilize the latest Android location APIs for better power efficiency.

import android.content.Context
import android.location.LocationManager

// Release location updates when they are no longer needed
fun releaseLocationUpdates(context: Context) {
val locationManager = context.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE) as LocationManager
val locationListener = MyLocationListener()
// Replace with your custom location listener


Note: Ensure that you have the necessary location permissions declared in your AndroidManifest.xml file and have requested them from the user at runtime.

4. Optimize UI and Rendering

Efficient UI design and rendering play a crucial role in reducing battery consumption. Minimize the number of view updates and layout recalculations by utilizing RecyclerViews, ConstraintLayouts, and other performance-oriented UI components.

Implementing adaptive layouts that automatically adjust based on screen size and orientation can also help conserve power. Additionally, leverage tools like Systrace and Android Profiler to identify UI-related performance bottlenecks and optimize app rendering accordingly.

5. Battery-Aware Coding

Writing battery-efficient code involves considering the power implications of various operations. Avoid excessive wake locks, which prevent the device from entering low-power states. Release resources promptly, unregister receivers when not needed, and utilize the appropriate lifecycle methods to manage component activation. Use the Battery Historian tool to analyze power usage patterns and identify areas for improvement.

Lastly, encourage user involvement by providing settings or options that allow them to customize battery-consuming features.


As an Android developer, writing apps with minimal battery usage is a responsibility that can enhance user experience and app performance. By implementing efficient background processing, optimizing network usage, fine-tuning location services, optimizing UI and rendering, and practicing battery-aware coding, developers can create apps that consume less battery power while still delivering the desired functionality.

Prioritizing battery efficiency not only benefits users but also contributes to a sustainable and eco-friendly mobile ecosystem.